Your Pre-Listing Prayer & Routine

Today we’re discussing your pre-listing mindset, preparation and routine. We’re also going to give you our very own “pre-listing prayer” to help you focus on winning the presentation.

Congratulations..You Took The Listing..Now What?

What happens next is entirely up to you - and how you handle it determines your success not only with this listing, but also with future listings and your earning opportunities in real estate.

Renovation Reality: Time To Do Some Heavy Lifting!

We're back with Episode 9 of Renovation Reality, hosted by Atlanta real estate expert, Collette McDonald.  Last week, when we left our Brookhaven renovation,...

Housing Crash Coming Soon? INFLATION (Part 5)

1. DEFINITIONS... What is Inflation? A general increase in prices and fall in the purchasing value of money. What is appreciation? Increase in monetary value. Appreciation is...

Podcast: 12 Signs You Have an Entrepreneurial Mindset (Part 4)

How would you describe a successful entrepreneur?  How many of those traits do you embody and how many of those traits can you adopt? ...

No Homes For Sale? Create Your Own Inventory NOW!

As the real estate economy continues to recover, we're once again seeing a common problem for agents: not enough inventory! Today, learn how to locate inventory that's not listed in your local MLS.

Podcast: Brett Bartholomew Interview | Founder of Art of Coaching™

Brett Bartholomew is a performance coach, best-selling author, and keynote speaker. He is also the Founder of the coach development company Art of CoachingTM,...

Podcast: Is Multi-Tasking And ‘Time Management’ a Myth? (You Will Be...

"Time Management" isn't really Time Management. It's ENERGY management. 1. Your energy is a resource. Treat it as you do food and water. You'd never...

How To Finally END Your Limiting Beliefs Forever

On today's Real Estate Coaching Radio, you will learn how you truly can change your physiology (and health) by understanding epigenetics. Simple changes to...

Stop WAITING to Feel Motivated! 5 Easy To Implement Motivational Secrets

Remember that excitement you had for real estate when you first started? Get that feeling back! Award-winning real estate coaches Tim & Julie Harris...

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